Crown Hill Wedding in Indianapolis, Indiana

“We loved with a love that was more than love.” — Edgar Allan Poe

I don’t typically take winter weddings. Indiana has been and always will be a fickle state when it comes to weather and it’s never more indecisive as it is during the cold months. But when I got an email about a last minute wedding at the chapel at Crown Hill Cemetery, there was absolutely no way I could say “no.”

From the crystal tiara to the white cape and fur draped shoulders, Alexandra was a stunning bride that planned a wedding that fit perfectly to who she and Schuyler are as a couple. A gothic winter wedding was just so them!

A Winter Wedding in Anderson, Indiana | Sneak Peeks

“Baby, its cold outside…”

The Henderson Wedding in Anderson, IN is wrapping up and that means it’s sneak peek time! I don’t often take winter weddings because the Midwest has a reputation for being a bit unpredictable. I sometimes make exceptions for local weddings and boy and I glad that I did!

Evergreens, classic vibes and the laid back atmosphere of two friends embarking on a grand adventure; it was a beautiful day!

Turner Wedding in Terre Haute Indiana

“I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all you’re yet to be.”

The wind blew in from the west. The kind of wind that whips your hair from ponytails and takes concentration not to fall over when standing. Intense and constant, it reminded me a lot of the kind of love these two share. You see, just like nature, sometimes our love stories grow. Acquaintances, to friends, to something more…and then, before you know it, your standing in the middle of a chaotic day waiting to marry that person that you first met so long ago.

The Turners looked and looked and looked all over Terre Haute for a tree farm wedding venue and found a great one in Dahnke’s Pine Patch. Despite the crazy amounts of wind, it all went off without a hitch, with lots of laughs and hair wrangling in the middle.

I am so lucky to be a part of my clients’ wedding day. Every single one is unique and gives my heart so much joy.

Cole's One Year Session at the Anderson, Indiana Photography Studio

“You are all my heart ever talks about.”

Turning one is kind of a big deal! I got to photograph Cole WAY back when he was just a little babe and now look at how big he has gotten!? The weather was a little on the iffy side this summer (it IS Indiana after all) so we used the studio to take some photos of the birthday boy.

I don’t shoot up in my studio often but this session really inspired me to branch out and offer more studio sessions. When you get a minute (after you’re done looking at this cutie) head over to the sessions page and check out some of the work I’ve done in the studio since. I’ve had a blast!

I cannot wait to watch this little guy grow! Knowing the DeShong family he is going to have one adventurous life!

Adam and Zach's LGBTQ Wedding in Fort Wayne, Indiana

“As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.” — Pooh

I first met Adam’s mom when chatting wedding details for his sister’s wedding coming up this Fall so when she reached out to me again to ask if I’d be interested in photographing her son’s wedding at the Fort Wayne Botanical Gardens I just about spit out my coffee! Yes! Getting to photograph two siblings getting married in the same year is so awesome!

The Botanical Gardens in Fort Wayne was the perfect place for Adam and Zach to get married. Adam told us what all the plants were as we walked around their beautiful grounds for portraits and it made my heart so happy to see the two of them start off on this awesome adventure..

Love doesn’t need labels. I type LGBTQ Wedding just so that other couples can find me and know that I am an ally but this wedding isn’t any different than the other weddings I document. Two people met and fell in love and that is that. It’s the commitment and support that is on full display here and I for one cannot wait until the rest of the world catches up.