I always tell people that Documentary Family Photography is all about capturing a snapshot of your life. Whether it be the mundane or a once-in-a-lifetime experience. When Chris contacted me, he definitely fell into the once-in-a-lifetime experience category. He didn't have any babies to make his day memorable, but he did have a ticket to the Indy Racing Experience at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and wanted to know if I would be willing to document his day.
He explained that his family had a long long history of making memories at the Indy 500 (and the track in general) and the experience was more than just a joyride around the track for him. He was honoring familial legacy...as well as having fun. And that is exactly why I do documentary photography sessions! He came to the right website!
So, I hoped in my car and drove down to Indianapolis and under the IMS bleachers probably just as excited as he was. I met up with him and his family and got to photograph the whole thing. I was especially excited to get to be in the pit area and get some great shots of him actually driving around the track.
Every shoot, I have a goal to get one specific photo. That day, it was a shot of him in the car coming around the track at speed that I imagined he would hang in his office so that when work was feeling particularly boring, he could look up and remember what it felt like to drive that fast.
The day ended up being an absolute blast and I know Chris will be able to take these photos and remember them and that day for many many years to come...and after that...his kids will be able to see their dad making one of his favorite memories too.